The international community frequently demands that wealthy nationsincrease their development assistance to poor nations. The UnitedStates will provide additional assistance, but President Bush isalso prudently pursuing a system that measures the effectiveness ofaid.
Trade does not erode the manufacturing sector as critics claim. Infact, trade strengthens the manufacturing sector because it expandsmarkets for U.S. goods, provides manufacturers with access tolower-priced inputs, and increases productivity.
Removing barriers to trade is one of the most important actionsthat developed countries can take to aid development in poornations and should be pursued in all possible ways.
Despite being billed as "Comprehensive Trade Negotiating AuthorityLegislation," H.R. 3019 is not a trade promotion authority bill. Inreality, it is designed to appeal to special interests and wouldactually inhibit the ability of the president to negotiate tradeagreements.