me too movement, led legal battle against disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein. house democrats could be blatantly lying to their supporters about the russia probing fundraising emails. a is feed report pointing out the democratic congressional campaign committee was hoping to drum up support have the 2018 midterms claiming if they get 1 million signatures donald trump will be forced interview with robert mueller. that is false. another email stating mueller is the only hope for truth. over to you. polls opening in four key primary races, indiana, north carolina, ohio and west virginia and democrats hoping to turn the blue wave into a soon army. can republicans keep controlling congress? joining me to debate is ron myron fox news contributor
greg: your opinion? it s anti-bill. they used to be a tease and they have retracted and now they are pro tease. i can t do the former, but kido the latter i. i am telling you, you look like aaron myron or martina navratilova. it doesn t help that you put the collar over the jacket. coming up, here s a hint, this involves beats. plus. is divorce contagious, if so, what you are wearing? makes no sense. i know.