Aaron Lehman has been named the 2023 Caretaker of the Year by Minnesota Harness Racing Inc. (MHRI) and will be presented with his award at the upcoming MHRI Banquet at Running Aces this coming Saturday, Feb. 17.
Rural Roundtable Highlights Positive Impact Of Biden Administration Policies ProgressIowa.org Click here to watch a recording of the zoom event Iowans encouraged to visit IowaAtWork.com to learn about the local impact of Biden administration policies, and IowaVoices.org to share personal stories Farmers, local leaders, and public officials spoke during an Iowa Rural Roundtable last night, to…
An $8,000 Open Pace featuring A Major Omen and a $7,500 Filly and Mare Open Pace headed by stablemates Lucky Lil Lady and Prom Queen get the marqee treatment on Friday night at Cal Expo.
About 39% of Indiana County voters cast a ballot in yesterday's election, either in person at the polls or through the mail and the citizens voted the.
Today is the general election and the polls are open for voters to cast their ballots for many municipal races. One of the main races will be for the .