The names Manu Tesone and Omer Trajman didn’t appear on Norwich’s Town Meeting ballot, but their fingerprints were all over Tuesday’s outcomes.Tesone and Trajman are the founders and pied pipers of a group called Stand Up For Norwich formed last.
NORWICH At the polls on Tuesday, Norwich voters turned down a 10-year property tax exemption for the Norwich Farm Foundation, 942-323.They also rejected a proposal to eliminate the position of town lister and replace it with a professionally.
NORWICH Police staffing, administrative vacancies and the stability of town leadership are among the key issues in the campaign for the Selectboard, where five residents are vying to fill three open seats in voting on March 7.Selectboard Chairwoman.
NORWICH As time dwindles to finalize a municipal budget proposal, Selectboard members finds themselves with a dilemma whether to present voters with a costlier budget than they’d planned or to scramble for roughly $200,000 in cuts.The Selectboard.
The proposal also includes staffing an additional patrol officer to reduce the current time that officers are on call to ensure continuous department coverage.