thought they were going to have their jobs saved did not because it didn t what donald trump was saving didn t represent the scope of all the workers who were getting laid off. now we reported that pretty much real time. but it s one thing to report the number. it s another thing to be a union leader, as chuck jones is, and to have to deal with this reality with the people he knows very well. kevin, donald trump has proudly talked about saving 1100 jobs this the carrier deal. here is chuck jones, the president of the union 1999 speaking to erin burnett earlier. seeming this this is what sparked trump s twitter attack. watch. when carrier announced the close down of the whole facility in february they announced at that point in time research and development jobs, about 350 of them, were going to remain here in indianapolis. then when mr. trump got involved, what the actual number
david, does he have a point? yeah, i do think he has a point. secretary rice knows he was in the clinton administration, a cabinet secretary. and i do think this is divisive. look, i do think that the trump administration, president-elect trump should and will and do take credit for saving those 700 or 800 jobs as has now been reported by the post, by the indianapolis star. but i also think the union reps are right if they believe it s less than originally advertised. they are in their rights to stick up with their side of the deal. if we get started before inauguration day without speaking to that, it s trump s approach which is cutting individual deals with with companies in order to save jobs then firing at them via twitter, is that the right
problem. we don t know that it s rhetoric. everyone who speaks on behalf of mr. trump says it s rhetoric or says he was just saying that or he doesn t mean that. he spoke it out of his mouth, and until he puts something else in his mouth that we could hopefully trust and believe, that s what we re left with. one of the frustrations is that folks who speak on behalf of mr. trump are always intermentipret and reinterpreting what comes out of his mouth. thank you. that s it for us tonight. i ll see you back here tomorrow night. good night. no extra monthly fees. why are you checking your credit score? you don t want to drive old blue forever, do you? [brakes squeak] credit karma, huh? yep, it s free. credit karma. give yourself some credit.
i think putting divided is stocky. again, it s divided i m not president yet. so i didn t do anything to divide. what do you make of trump saying he didn t do anything to divide the country? he did do something to divide the country. look, during the last 18 months, president-elect trump ran a divisive campaign. he made the comments about judge gone zolo cure yell. he mocked the khan family. he talked about carly fiorina s looks when he was running against her. i could list on and on the things that he did that were divisive. this doesn t mean he can t have a successful presidency, doesn t mean he can t come out and really give a meaningful address or a meaningful sit down with a journalist such as yourself that explains why he was misunderstood or why he did what he did. but he hasn t done that yet. i think the label divided at least for the moment sticks. device oif. selena, do you think he wants
whisperer. i believe it is an effort to gather as much insight as possible. look, trump is unique in the sense that he is the first president to ever be elected without prior government experience. and to get insight from someone like al gore who has lot of it he has even met with ram emmanuel another person who despite their maybe differences on politics and policy has an incredible amount of insight how congress works and how politics works. gathering that much insight in politics is something that the transition has shown it s been a pattern for this transition. i think that s a good thing, even for those who were critics of donald trump. mr. entered lick, let s talk about donald trump as time magazine s person of the year. he says it s an honor, but he is taking issue as he often does w the headline, calling it the president of the divided states of america. listen to this.