Bill Caraher | As readers of this blog know, I’ve been a bit obsessed with the prairie poet Clell Gannon recently. In fact, I’m working to produce a “centennial edition” of his 1924 book of poems Songs of the Bunch Grass Acres. As part of that process, I’m doing a bit of reading around in…
Friday, August 18, 2023 - The beautiful Missouri River Heritage Mural has been installed under the I-94 bridge in Bismarck. A big unveiling event is scheduled for Monday. It’s the culmination of a project that began many months ago by the Northern Plains Heritage Foundation. Here to tell us more are Aaron Barth, the foundation’s executive director; and Emily Sakariassen, project manager. ~~~ News director Dave Thompson joins us to discuss the week’s news. ~~~ Matt Olien reviews \“The Last Voyage of the Demeter,\” the latest in the oft-visited Dracula theme.
The Missouri River is one of Bismarck and Mandan’s most scenic assets. One group has decided to take the lead on an idea which could make it more accessible to citizens and attractive to tourists.