Lowell High School found themselves without a Thanksgiving Day opponent until Hampton's Winnacunnet High School answered the call to take Haverhill's place.
Lowell High School found themselves without a Thanksgiving Day opponent until Hampton's Winnacunnet High School answered the call to take Haverhill's place.
Winnacunnet High School junior Abby Wilber made a once-in-a-lifetime shot from half-court as the Warriors girls basketball team topped the Exeter BlueHawks for the first time in five years.
Winnacunnet High School junior Abby Wilber made a once-in-a-lifetime shot from half-court as the Warriors girls basketball team topped the Exeter BlueHawks for the first time in five years.
For the second straight year, the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association announced there will be no indoor season due to no available venues to host meets.