Kurnool: Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy is set to visit Kurnool on April 16, said district Collector P Koteshwara Rao. He said the CM will not be able to attend the wedding of son of Pattikonda MLA Kangati Sreedevi and YSRCP state secretary Pradeep Kumar Reddy on April 17, so he will bless the would-be couple on Saturday.
AMARAVATI: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy inspected the information kiosk model which is to be set up in the Aarogyasri hospitals and directed the officials to set up signboards in the hospitals for easy access. During the review meeting held at the camp office here on Tuesday, the Chief Minister suggested honoring Arogya Mitras similar to volunteers recognising their
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy on Tuesday inspected the information kiosk model which is to be set up in the Aarogyasri hospitals and direct
The Chief Minister has given nod to set up MIRI in Visakhapatnam, MIRI and CathLab in Kakinada, CathLab in Kurnool, Anesthesia, Ophthalmology and ENT in Araku and Paderu with an estimated cost of Rs 37.03 crore. He said a special app is being developed for effective implementation of Aarogyasri services and added that the app will be used by Aarogya Mitras and the Chief