In a recent video by a food vlogger, the touching story of the boy has garnered widespread attention, resonating with millions online. Mahindra, who celebrated his 68th birthday last week, expressed his desire to obtain the boy's contact information. He mentioned that the Mahindra Foundation intends to explore ways to support his education.
Anand Mahindra took to X to share the wonderful pictures of the juxtaposition of an elevated highway through the Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh. | Trending
Superstar Singer 3 Update: This Sunday, Sony Entertainment Television’s homegrown kids’ singing reality show, Superstar Singer 3, will take you on a nostalgic ride with its ‘Kalyanji-Anandji’ Night.
Anand Mahindra shared a post on Manoj Kumar Sharma, Shraddha Joshi - who inspired the film 12th Fail. He wrote they re the “real celebrities of this country”. | Trending