MUMBAI: Actor Vivek Madaan, who is seen in the series 'Special Ops 1.5' along with Kay Kay Menon, has talked about Aamir Khan's 'Talaash: The Answer Lies Within' as the movie completed 9 years recentl |
Actor Vivek Madaan, who is seen in the series Special Ops 1.5 along with Kay Kay Menon, has talked about Aamir Khan s Talaash: The Answer Lies Within as the movie completed 9 years recently. Talaash film was released on November 30, .
Actor Vivek Madaan, who is seen in the series Special Ops 1.5 along with Kay Kay Menon, has talked about Aamir Khan s Talaash: The Answer Lies Within as the movie completed 9 years recently.