Urban League launches vaccination campaign as 80% of recent COVID cases occurring in Black communities
Since the start of the pandemic, Black communities were hit hardest. With low vaccination rates, they are making up most of the recent cases in St. Louis Author: Justina Coronel (KSDK) Updated: 7:27 PM CDT July 6, 2021
ST. LOUIS The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis is joining forces to go head to head against the delta variant.
It s teaming up with the National Urban League, 90 Urban League affiliates around the country, the National Action Network, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a campaign called All !N
The first doses of the coronavirus vaccine in the state and St. Louis region were administered to hospital workers Monday in South County, giving frontline health-care workers hope as patients from the COVID-19 pandemic overwhelm local hospitals.
The first five health-care workers to get the vaccine in St. Louis were from Mercy Hospital South, with reporters watching as they received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that was partially produced in St. Louis. It is the first of three vaccines expected to receive approval internationally and by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Along with a group of health-care workers in Kansas City, the Mercy staffers were the first in Missouri to receive the vaccine.