The 59-year-old actor, in an interview with Siddharth Kanan, recalls his early days as an actor when Mumbai was not as developed and reaching Film City was not easy. During that incident, Sanjay said that he was abandoned on the road by an auto rikshaw driver, causing delay. |
Rico Indian is the spice-infused plot twist you've been craving to add to your regular Puerto Vallarta dining routine. The kitchen is helmed by Chef and Co-Owner Monnish Malhotra, who hails from India. He weaves his homeland's magic into a simple yet alluring menu, promising 100% authentic Indian cuisine.
Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 star Aamna Sharif celebrates her 41st birthday today, July 16. On this occasion, let s look at times when she dishes out major fitness goals by doing Yoga.