more than ten years, or it s been ten years, nine, whatever, it s close to ten years in massachusetts, i can t count, i don t know. but basically a decade in massachusetts and i think everybody will agree, massachusetts is still massachusetts. the sky didn t fall. and i think that s the key lesson here. the sky didn t fall. and every single state, where we ve had marriage, the argument was, oh, my god, all marriages are going to fall apart, kids are going to be in these, like, unsafe environments. they re going to hear these messages that we don t want them to hear. and the reality is, none of it has happened. in fact, marriage as an institution has actually safeguarded more families. it s actually created stronger family units economically, emotionally, and otherwise. and the business community wise. in illinois, you don t have, that serves as a detriment to people bringing business to illinois. that s an argument that has nothing to do with some of the other more emotional r aal