Actress and politician Jaya Prada has been sentenced to six months in prison and a fine by a Chennai court following her involvement in a longstanding case where an insurance corporation claimed Jaya Prada failed to pay insurance owed to theater employees, causing distress. The Rs 5,000 ($70) fine will also affect her associates Ram Kumar and Raja Babu. Despite admitting to the charges, the dismissal of Pradas plea has led to jail time and legal action as a penalty. Prada was a well-known South Indian cinema star in the 1970s and 1980s, working in Hindi and Telugu cinema.
Jaya Prada has been sentenced to ix months imprisonment in an old case. Jaya Prada has been jailed for six months in an old case. Jaya Prada has been imposed Rs 5000 fine in an old case. Jaya Prada sentence to six months in prison in an old case.