Defence Minister Khawaja Asif Monday said that Prime Minister Shehbaz can take the vote of confidence to show his strength in the National Assembly and it is not necessary that it is done at.
January 30, 2021
KARACHI/ LAHORE: Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh has claimed that Pakistan survived the global economic meltdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic much better than the rest of the world.
Talking in Geo News programme Aaj Shazeb Khanzada Kay Sath , he said the global economy suffered 8-fold more damages than that of Pakistan. Shaikh said Pakistan’s GDP growth rate was negative 0.5percent when we were emerging from the first wave of the pandemic, compared to the global growth rate of negative four percent. The world recognises that Pakistan’s economy absorbed the global shocks and performed better, the finance minister claimed. Economies of several countries continue to remain in the woods, he said.
January 29, 2021
KARACHI/ LAHORE: Finance Minister Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh has claimed that Pakistan survived the global economic meltdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic much better than the rest of the world.
Talking in Geo News programme Aaj Shazeb Khanzada Kay Sath on Thursday night, he said the global economy suffered 8-fold more damages than that of Pakistan.
Shaikh said Pakistan’s GDP growth rate was negative 0.5percent when we were emerging from the first wave of the pandemic, compared to the global growth rate of negative four percent. The world recognises that Pakistan’s economy absorbed the global shocks and performed better, the finance minister claimed. Economies of several countries continue to remain in the woods, he said.