Naagin 6 Update: Tejasswi Prakash’s supernatural drama has been entertaining fans ever since its premiere on Colors TV in February last year. While the sixth season of Naagin was supposed to end in April, it reportedly got another extension. According to reports, FIR fame Divyaalakshmi will be entering the show after new lead star Vatsal Sheth.
Naagin 6 Update: Tejasswi Prakash’s supernatural drama has been entertaining fans ever since its premiere on Colors TV in February last year. As the sixth season of Naagin has got another extension of three months, Fahmaan Khan’s Dharampatnii co-star Ashita Dhawan has confirmed her entry in the show.
Naagin 6 Update: Tejasswi Prakash’s supernatural drama has been entertaining fans ever since its premiere on Colors TV in February last year. While the sixth season of Naagin was supposed to end in April, it reportedly got another extension. According to reports, Hrithik Yadav will be entering the show as new lead star Vatsal Sheth’s cousin.