it s a m medical cononditin where e there is a a curve in the ererection, cauausedy a a formation n of scar titis. and d an estimatated 1 in 10n may y have it. bubut pd can b be treatedd even witithout surgegery. say goododbye to s searching o online. find a a specializized urolot who can didiagnose pdd and builild a treatmtment plan witith you. vivisit m t. ugh, this s guy again.n. pops! ayay son! ya got a a little somemethin on y yuh face. neneeded a quiuick shave.. quick shavave? respect t the procesess! it a ain t my dadad s razor,r,, itit s from gigillettelabsb. gillllette.lababs? gillettete s ultimatate shaving exexperience.. ththis green b bar releasess trapped hahairs from m my f. gamemechanga! whwhile the flflexdisc contours t to it. lookinin smooth.. feelelin even s smoother. hohow bobout hookin n me uph some gillelettelabs? check yoyour texts.. you re t the best. nah, y you re the e best. the e best a manan can get k s gegetting bettttuh. the nextxt ge
players testing positive. it is important to note, though, most of these are asymptomatic cases. here s the thing, here in new york city tonight, hamilton is now the sixth broadway show to cancel a performance due to covid this week. so joining me now to discuss this is the medical director for the national foundation for infectious diseases. good evening, doctor. this is, i think, getting bad here. i don t want to alarm people, but we should take some precautions. it s not just the nfl going through this, the nba postponing games due to covid for the first time this season. why are we seeing so many cases like this? well, don, covid has done it again. it s thrown us a curve, high and tight. and it s called omicron. and this is an extraordinarily infectious variant. even more infectious than delta. and although our vaccines look