Of its b besT Work whehen It Wa bending genre. Take something thatats fafamiliar and givive Sosome Chili P Pepper Advertisi is based on one thing, happiness is there any taboo that You Wouldnt break out ifif There E was a funnnny ideaea, Ws Wrwrong with you. Theres so mucuch Differen Storytelliling and so o many Difffferent Storories being G T Abouout so many Y Differenent P. I dont think dramatic Seseries Televevision has s even strongnger. Theheres s no longer r this Ththeory O of what popular entertainment must be. Job who are the heroes, the People Who watch thiS Show this is the week when the major Broadcast Networks unveiled their Fault Lineup of shows and every executive in hollywood knows how well the sopranos is doing Onon Cable W which is a a network prproblem. I think hbo altered everything for this reason alone, is there were no commercials. We are dependent on sponsors, right . There is soso much w We Can do i in Terms Ofo Languauage in n terms of V Viol Inin terms oF F se
it s not my job to sit here and debate the candidate. we re going to ask him aboutmatt the issues of the day thater tog actually matter to the people that came out here tonight ie rn the rain and thunder and lightning, the voters and they will also have their questions as well. f nothing is off the table. and as o if now, trump is nothe only beating his republican rivals, but he s also beating president biden. real clear politics, averagra . trump is uto hp inea a head to d match up there in the mostrd recent harvard harris poll has him up by seven points overst joe biden. the vast majority of americans , includin mg hademocrats, they re not happy with joe biden. i don t think manyen, to the americans are happy with joe biden, to say the least. and based on recent polls,and b voters believe that biden is corrupt, incompetent, creepy ol mentalld, mentally, physical cognitively unfit to serve. by the way, today was no exception at the air force academy. biden could not rememb
the d.a. s office, whichy is local, which is city state. but they put the top put the guo the justice department into that office to make sure tru? trump gets in trouble., caevern you believe it s never,e ever happened? before? s and then hillary clinton s i lawyer from, i guess, it s paul weiss left paul weiss to wor pauk in the prosecutor sp office because he hatess to trump and he wants to get you trump . and then nobody wanted to do anything because they say, didn t dyou know, trump didn t o or anything wrong, including brag originally said trump didn t do anything wrong, and then hdn te prosecutes me for what what he said was not wrong. wron guy. thethis they took this guy and they puth him in there and he left you the firm and he went in. it s a big, you know, a merance, pomerance. and he left to become a prosecutor. heprosecutor is a democrat lawye and now he s trying to prosecute me. caus and then what happened is theyr wouldn t do what he wanted so to do because it was too b
The history of the iconic A&A Records in Toronto
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In the 1950s, A&A Records and Sam the Record Man, two stores on Yonge Street, were an integral part of my teenage years. They were the largest and most important retail distributors of vinyl records in Toronto.
They eventually franchised, allowing outlets to be opened across Canada under their corporate names. A&A and Sam s were multi-million-dollar businesses in the days when 33 1/3 rpm (revolutions per minute) records were the most common recording format.
a child weigh neighborhood friend who doesn t know with it and at our house over the weekend touched the elf, which is a big no-no. you take away the magic and the elf did not then move for one of the days because once the magic is sort of tarnished. but you know where tended up the next morning? in the christmas tree. brian: i made a mistake in telling the story when elves were elves when we were children, i had one and my german shepherd ate my and left my brother s elf. with the new rules, that is a traumatic experience, so i should not have relayed that story. steve: i m please will he depressed. gretchen: you are never brian: i told the story and steve: your house went to elf. gretchen: somehow you i mentioned this before and i know they ll producers will say e oh, no, not again. you should write a a book. just about his stories.