stories, joe johns is back with a bulletin. police in wilkinsberg, pennsylvania believe a third grader brought 60 packets of heroin to school stamped with the words trust me. in mississippi, a judge has ordered a school to stop allowing hundreds of white students to transfer out of a majority black school, calling the practice a violation of decades old desegregation order. jon & kate plus 8 violated pennsylvania s child labor law by not getting work permits for the gosselin s eight children. state officials say they will not file charges against the reality tv show, as long as kate gosselin and producers get permits for their future show called a twist of kate. yeah, there s a new show? did you even know? i won t be setting the tivo for that one. we showed a dog afraid of his
pennsylvania s child labor law by not getting work permits for the gosselin s eight children. they will not file charges against the reality tv show as long as kate gosselin and the show get permits for the new show called a twist of kate . there s a new show? you didn t even know. i won t be setting the tivo for that wbone. we showed a dog afraid of his own shadow. and to be fair, we show cats, brings us to tonight s shot. youtube, the newest use for the ipad. called the cat ap. we don t know if this is what steve jobs had in mind exactly. is it a worm? i guess, some sort of worm that the cat s freaked-out by. moves the pad, there you go. very strange.