Ode to ‘The Professor for the Poor’ – Venezuela’s Afro Caribbean Hero
Chronicles Of A Chronic Caribbean Chronicler By Earl Bousquet
I WAS quite taken aback in pure Shock and Awe, like all who knew him when I heard my friend AristobuloIstruiz, Venezuela’s most popular Afro Venezuelan leader, had died from a massive heart attack on April 27, aged 74.
I’d first met ‘The Professor’ (as he was known throughout his life) with a group of Caribbean journalists at a giant oil PDVSA depot in Venezuela in 2016.
Our itinerary for the day included ‘a discussion’ with ‘the Governor of Anzoategui State’ and when we saw who emerged from the state car with the heavy security detail, I could have seen and felt the common expression of silent but very welcome surprise that he looked just like us.