because we walked that path. we will play the bridging role between the developed and developing part of the world and show that development doesn t need to rely on thermal power generation. there are many young people here in south korea and abroad who are watching this climate change conference carefully. they want change. do you feel the burden on your shoulders as one of the lead negotiators? translation: i always feel the burden as a - policymaker. there is this challenge because i feel old obligations to really take strong action for the sake of ourfuture generation, but on the other side, i am faced with the fact that we don t have the tools yet to achieve that goal. so striking the right balance between the two is a really painful task for all negotiators.
for example, we funded the study. sea level rise and changes in the climate are measurable. i don t think there s a debate about whether that s happening. you can measure that. the secondary aspect is how much of that is due to human activity and from a policymaker, the question is, what policies can we change to deal with that human activity? that s where the debate really has been. i confront it two ways. the sea level is rising. we know that. you can measure that. that s not something that anyone is debating. that s why i pushed for mitigation because the insurance place is going to start pricing this in. you better have answers on places like miami beach here in south florida and the like. the second question about how much is human activity contributing towards that, what percentage of that is due to human activity and third question, what laws can we change? that s the more complicated one, especially the third one. some of the things they re asking for is already happening. if y
on controversial issues, supporting same-sex marriage, banning smoking outside its stores, for example. now starbucks says come get your pumpkin spiced latte, but please leave your gun at home. cnn s. py harlow spoke exclusively with starbucks ceo howard schultz. we re not an anti-gun company. we re in the a policymaker. reporter: the man behind the ubiquitous green siren is smack in the middle of a heated gun-control debate. we have been mischaracterized as either being pro or anti-gun. we re neither. reporter: 43 states have so-called open-carry laws, meaning you can visibly carry a licensed gun in public. many businesses like target, walmart and starbucks say when it comes it customers, if a firearm is allow we the state, it s allowed in their sister. but that has led to dub starbucks pro-gun. we ve seen advocates on both sides of this debate use starbucks as a staging ground for their own motivations.