and the humiliation that s come with that here in front of the whole nation. tonight we begin with how we got here, because everyone s been absorbing the days of chaos, headlines about the failure of the republican majority to get its work start in the its new congress. a story that really goes beyond politics and it s reaching people who don t always follow the swearing in or the speaker s race. if you approach this with fresh eyes as many americans have, saying what s going on over there? you may wonder why the big chaotic fight continues with rolling losses for republicans. why is it happening at the finish line of a win for the gop in the midterms? and why is the big fight in washington within one party, not between one of the typically warring factions between parties? there are many factors but three reasons loom large. first a crop of republicans who are more focused on hijacking than running. second, this trump internet industrial complex that puts the content, the tr
be clear. sometimes with viewers we say, this is the scene. no, this is extraordinary. we re watching kevin mccarthy, the sad sullen face of a man defeated ten times what he s worked his life for. this is the face of a stoic or stern a moluation and humiliation. he is a humiliated man. he s going to keep going. he said so. but he s going to keep going in a process that is the ultimate exposition of his lack of power, lack of control, mark, his lack of sway, his lack of influence. as we go run it back, turbo, to number 11. mark, i give you the floor. it s his lack of spine. that s where it begins. also a lack of pride. you watch this and say, after you re rejected twice or after donald trump humiliates you so many times, why can t you just