tactics from their employer, they are standing their ground. if you are a part time worker, you don t get one cigar. they pay for nothing of our health care. we should be allowed to call in when we re sick. we shouldn t be threatened if we can t come in. people need to understand that these are morality issues, to not respect unless there is living wage and all of that included to not give the associates you re saying that you re indispensable. at any moment, once they are done using you, they are going to get rid of you. how many employees are there? a million three. how many people are in the organization? thousands. is that why people are afraid of joining, out of 1.4 million, they could be gone like that? they can be replaced. they scare these people. they scare the hell out of them. i m curious, without the support of all the associates,
at the retail giant. they protested on black friday and in spite of what they say is tactics from their employer, they are standing their ground. if they pay for nothing of our health care. we should be allowed to call in when we re sick. we shouldn t be threatened if we can t come in. people need to understand that these are morality issues, to not respect unless there is living wage and all of that included to not give the associates you re saying that you re indispensable. at any moment, once they are done using you, they are going to get rid of you. how many employees are there? a million three. how many people are in the organization? thousands. is that why people are afraid of joining, out of 1.4 million, they could be gone like that? they can be replace grad they scare these people. they scare the hell out of them.
these workers were among those who protested on black friday. and in spite of what they say are intimidating tactics on the part of their employer, they re standing their ground. if they pay for nothing of our health care. we should be allowed to call in when we re sick. we shouldn t be threatened if we can t come in. people need to understand that these are morality issues, to not respect unless there is living wage and all of that included to not give the associates you re saying that you re dispensable. at any moment, once they are done using you, they are going to get rid of you. how many employees are there? a million three. how many people are in the organization? thousands. is that why people are afraid of joining, out of 1.4 million, they could be gone like that? there are thousands of members? they can be replaced. they scare these people. they scare the hell out of them. i m curious, without the
compassion national about the 50 million americans on food stamps and one in five in poverty and one in six in poverty or does this look like a president who is tone-deaf and out of touch? we are one month removed from the white house being close today public tour efforts. unbelievable. you watch him dancing and what? what is this a new white board? what do you got? [laughter] i want a little bit of salmon dave there. the soul man, the memphis sound. now if i could just make it stop. i mean really. this is there s a tone-deafness that is shocking to me. yeah. you know, this thing cost about a million three. nine hundred thousand plus from public television that we pay for as taxpayers and about 400-some-odd dollars who came from the government and the taxpayers and we are borrowing a
compassion national about the 50 million americans on food stamps and one in five in poverty and one in six in poverty or does this look like a president who is tone-deaf and out of touch? we are one month removed from the white house being close today public tour efforts. unbelievable. you watch him dancing and what? what is this a new white board? what do you got? [laughter] i want a little bit of salmon dave there. the soul man, the memphis sound. now if i could just make it stop. i mean really. this is there s a tone-deafness that is shocking to me. yeah. you know, this thing cost about a million three. nine hundred thousand plus from public television that we pay for as taxpayers and about 400-some-odd dollars who came from the government and the taxpayers and we are borrowing a