AHMEDABAD A Gujarat High Court judge on Wednesday recused herself from hearing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s appeal challenging the order of the Surat sessions court that declined to stay his conviction in a criminal defamation case over his “Modi surname” remark. Gandhi’s lawyer P S Champaneri mentioned the case before the court of Justice Gita Gopi, seeking an urgent hearing. But after a brief hearing, the court said, “Not before me.” The development comes a day after Gandhi filed the appeal in the high court. Champaneri said the court earlier granted him permission to circulate the matter for Wednesday, but when it came up for hearing, it recused itself from hearing the case. Now, a note will be sent to the Acting Chief Justice to place the matter before any other court, he said. The case was requested to be taken up in the court of Justice Gita Gopi because her court deals with the subject of criminal revision, Champaneri added. A metropolitan
Ahmedabad: A Gujarat High Court judge on Wednesday recused herself from hearing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s appeal challenging the order of the Surat sessions court that declined to.
A Gujarat High Court judge on Wednesday recused herself from hearing Congress leader Rahul Gandhi s appeal challenging the order of the Surat sessions court that declined to stay his conviction in a criminal defamation case over his Modi surname remark.