The real-time source apportionment study conducted by IIT Kanpur for the Delhi government has resumed after a brief halt due to pending payment. The study reveals that vehicles are the primary contributors to Delhi s PM2.5 pollution levels. Secondary inorganic aerosols, which can travel from distant sources, are the second highest contributors. Biomass burning ranks third. The study s data is available on the R-aasman portal. Analysts suggest that this real-time data can be used to regulate pollutant emissions and improve air pollution governance if there is political will to address the issue.
Illegal sales of firecrackers are thriving in Delhi ahead of Diwali, despite a blanket ban on their sale, manufacture, storage, and use. Traders in markets across the city openly sell firecrackers and do little to keep their illicit business under wraps. The illegal sales and lack of enforcement have raised concerns over pollution levels in the city, as toxic fumes from firecrackers add to already high levels of pollution. The Delhi Police have seized over 10,000 kg of firecrackers between 16 October and 8 November. | Latest News Delhi