uprisings. it s been going on for a longtime now. bill: five men, including khalid sheikh mohammad facing a court in gitmo. kelly wright is on the store row in washington when the pretrial hearings get underway. what is the legal ft will be set for this. there is a lot of work to be done and some of the legal graham work will come from the fact that 21 motions need to be heard that range from classified information to less serious matters such as what the 9/11 suspects can wear in court, and whether they even have to show up in court. also in this election season it should be noted that four years ago you ll recall then candidate barack obama promised to close the guantanamo camps. bill: we understand there are
the poll released last tuesday shows that president obama s lead has been slipping now just six percentage points ahead of romney who was trailing by 15 points the previous week. this is a race the voters are following. i am voting for barack obama. i m voting for him because overall he best represents my feels in terms of the economy, foreign relations and ed waeugs. i indication. i m voting for romney. we need a change. he s a successful businessman e. knows how to make businesses grow, why can t he make the economy grow? martha: it was easy to find people and both sides of the political aisle up there as well as a lot of undecided voters. bill: from new hampshire you were also out in iowa, six electoral votes out there. what did you find there, molly? reporter: we had a chance to speak with farmers. we made it to a big kwulting fair. quilting fair. the same situation there. a lot of undecided voters and
it is. bill: which tells you why governor romney over the weekend was talking about gas price necessary ohio. waoes trying to find an issue there. look, you re right with the natural gas boom in this country, and the hydraulic fracturing. we have a lot more oil on gas production but not nearly enough. all of that production, almost all of that is on private lands. one of the points the oil and gas executives say that i talk to they say most of the oil in this country is on public lands and that s what s been taken off limits for drilling. you know, if those high gas prices persist, i think it is a problem come november 6th because i m old enough to remember 1980 when the high gas prices were a big problem for jimmy carter, it was a sign to the voters that there was something wrong with the economy fundamentally. bill: $4.61 is the average price per gallon in california. it trickles across the country from west to east. this is what you told our producers here, explain this. you sai
folks on both sides. i think mitt romney has a good business sense, i think he knows what he s doing and i think he can do it. i believe obama is much more concerned about the middle and lower classes. reporter: this year it comes back to those folks that started the whole process. they could have a big say in how it all ends. bill: they certainly can in a race this close. a thank you, molly lines in boston. martha: high gas prices are becoming a big issue on the campaign trail now. governor romney taking president obama to task on this. hear what candidate promised back in 2008, but has failed to deliver on. bill: another hot campaign issue is the president s handling of the terror attack in benghazi. you just heard brit hume say it allegations of a cover up, will that stick in we ll debate that fair & balanced in a minute. when vice president biden said in the debate wednesday night that we weren t told that they wanted more security there in libya, he directly contradicted t
contributors to his campaign. bill: tough words over the weekend but it was a candidate obama who made solving high gas prices a major priority. listen to mr. obama in 2008 on that. for the well off in this country high gas prices are mostly an annoyance, but to most americans they are a huge problem, bordering on a crisis. as the president i will work to solve this energy crisis once and for fall. bill: steven moore, senior economic for the wall street journal. politics and the economy are mixed into this. answer the question, why the spike at the moment. there are a couple of fact erts. obviously there is unrest in the middle east, bill and whenever that happens you see a spike up in energy prices. but there is also domestic policies that are affecting these high gas prices and i point to two, bill, one is the expansive monetary policy by the federal reserve. when they announced qe1 and qe2 and qe3 and qe inch finance a