Young farmers weigh in on the stresses they re currently dealing with, including balancing their farm work with family, off-farm jobs and customers who don t understand their value.
The Summer Solstice greeted Carbondale residents Tuesday with some unseasonably frosty temperatures, catching gardeners off guard and making for a cold start to summer. While temperatures dipped to 43 degrees Fahrenheit in Glenwood Springs around.
Chelsea Self / Post Independent
In fact Pollard, a multigenerational rancher whose mother’s side of the family homesteaded near Steamboat Springs, said all his heroes growing up were just old cowmen.
“The guy who helped me get started in the business was an old World War II veteran who had shrapnel in him, but he’s just a cool 90-year-old, old guy,” He said. “And I just loved to go hang out with him and learn stuff from him.”
“I thought it’d be cool to be a cool old guy some time,” he added.
Pollard Livestock ranch manager Ryan Mitchell dumps hay from the trailer during the early morning feeding routine.