To an all weather partnership. Kishore mahbubani was singapores former ambassador to the united nations. He gave me a sense of what lies ahead for eu china relations. Trade differences are normal. The important thing is notjust the trade in balance but the trade volume. At the end of the day, as you know, europe is looking for new sources of growth for itself and europe is acutely aware that china is going to become a very, very important market for eu products too, and let me give you some very important statistics so listeners understand how things have changed. In the year 2000 the european economy combined, eu economy combined was six times bigger than chinas economy. Now they are the same size. In five years time china will be bigger than the european union. Europe is aware of this. While they will have difficulties over trade they also rely china is it going to become the big market for them also, so thats also part of the european calculations. Do you seeing that the Balance Of