+ December 11, 2020 THE settlement called bakolod, a native word to describe a hilly place recorded to be founded 250 years ago or in 1770. Eventually, by order of Spanish powers, the town of Bacolod only became the capital of the Negros Island in 1894 or 124 years after the settlement was founded.
However, the speed at which Bacolod progressed since was quite significant because it only took 40 years for Bacolod to be elevated into cityhood in 1938 to become one of the first few cities established after our independence from Spain.
Speaking of growth, a community certainly needs a builder to shape its future. And in that period of time from Bacolod being simply a town to becoming a city, there stood a builder. Recognized by historical accounts of his deeds as the Builder of Bacolod, Fray Mauricio Ferrero was ordained as a priest in Spain under the Order of Augustinian in 1868. Immediately on the same year, he set sail for the Philippines with 20 friars