a. bible says love thy neighbor and i take that very seriously i love all my wives that s christian and they re my author till. i own a season self as a kind of profit he says he got permission to be polygamous from god himself he assures us he hadn t intended to marry this many women he just struggles to say no . all these women came to me and wanted to marry me and they proposed to me i couldn t reject them. what do the other villages say. some are glad that their villages achieved international fame thanks to zona. but the local clergyman aren t happy about the polygamist cult. and the good when it s running your monday up when i
ludwig beethoven didn t waste time getting to work. his breakfast was coffee, which he prepared himself with great care. 60 beans per cup, counting them out one by one for a precise dose. maya angelou was unable to write at home, opting for motel or hotel room. she kept a dictionary, a bible, a deck of cards and a bottle of sherry close by. i felt so many of these successful, well known figures organized their lives around their creative projects. and often to the detriment of their health or their finances or sometimes their personal relationships. but i think that ruthlessness about pursuing their creative projects really, you know, took them to greater heights. author mason curry has chronicled the everyday routines
that amount. that is how much moisture is coming in across this region of the pacific northwest. a staggering amount of precipitation ahead of us here across this region, guys. a lot of snow. skiers will be happy. yes. thanks a lot. we ll see you in the sequel tomorrow. the triple-decker bus, yes. thanks, pedram. voters, a lot of promises from candidates. hearing them swear. as jeanne moos reports, in this presidential campaign reporter: as if they re vying for curser in chief would i approve water boarding? you bet your ass. reporter: are they trying to make america swear again? you know how you make america great again? tell donald trump to go to hell. reporter: gone are the days when politicians confine themselves to swearing on a bible. even mild-mannered jeb bush
addiction problems with gambling and then walk on stage with a bible. let s be real honest about this. or walk around with a bible to say, look, i m religious. see? i swear. that s pandering. again, we can sit here and criticize mr. trump about his religious beliefs, which are closely held. unlike president obama who went to a church with reverend wright. we have all forgotten that. donald trump let me make this clear. barack obama is not my moral standard. he is at one of the lowest points. he is in favor of abortion. in favor of all of these things that i disagree with religiously. if you keep comparing donald trump to barack obama there is a problem. barack obama is not on the ballot. i have to get a break in. clearly a lot more to discuss. ben, lou, kayly, tara, thank you
was trailing dr. ben carson with the evangelical vote. what does something like tonight do for him in that respect? the reason why ben carson is ahead with evangelicals, they recognize ben carson is authentic and sincere in his christian beliefs. donald trump was very dismissive it was offensive to me as a christian who believes in communion to have him talk about his little wine and little cracker like it is part of a comedy routine. you are talk building the body of christ here. that is a major tenet in christianity. he talked about it like eh. and forgiveness from god, he blew that off. a am i the only one when he walked out on his stage carrying his bible that rolled their eyes saying you ve got to be kidding me. he goes to a christian event, think he is going to go on stage holding his bible and showing a picture of his community and