Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy celebrated Christmas along with family members at the CSI Church in Pulivendula on Monday. His mother YS Vijayamma, wife YS Bharathi Reddy, close relatives YS Prakash Reddy, YS Manohar Reddy, Y.S. Avinash Reddy and other senior YSRCP leaders participated in the event. The Chief Minister cut the Christmas cake in the presence
, Dec 25 (IANS) Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy celebrated Christmas along with family members at the CSI Church in Pulivendula on Monday.His mother Y.S. Vijayamma, wife Y.S. Bharathi Reddy, close relatives Y.S. Prakash .
Amaravati: Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy held a meeting with the YSRCP regional coordinators at the Camp Office here on Tuesday and issued them directions on making bus yatras successful. The bus yatra meetings, beginning October 26, will run for two months. The Chief Minister appointed region-wise organisers who would be responsible for conducting the bus yatra