this shirt and is sharpening the wits of producers and writers and creators to meet that challenge. 50 writers and creators to meet that challenge. that challenge. so help me understand that challenge. so help me understand what that challenge. so help me understand what it - that challenge. so help me understand what it is - that challenge. so help me understand what it is that i understand what it is that makes one programme cut through all of that. let s focus on love island, one of your biggest hits. why do you think that format has generated so much interest, in a way that lots of other formats don t? yeah, i wish i really knew the answer to that one. i think what s extraordinary about love island is i m so glad everyone in television came along when it did because the accepted wisdom was young people don t watch terrestrial television anymore, they don t look at the schedule, they never know, they won t these things, and so we bring along love island, which is on every singl