the statistics come back from children and covid from the uk, what did we learn there some 99.995% of the 470,000 children in england infected survived. that s incredible survival rate. the delta variant isn t making kids any sicker, is it? we don t have any evidence that it s doing so, but that s great news. but i do want to emphasize and i know all of the data and it is so true that all of the data say that kids do better than adults. transmission is less in schools than it might be in other places when prevention strategies are in place. but i think it s really important for people to understand that this is not a benign disease in kids compared to other diseases that our kids see. so if you look at the mortality rate of covid, just this past year for children, it s more than twice the mortality rate we see in influenza in a given year. if all kids in a classroom were vaccinated, would there be a need to wear masks?
to suggest that yes they might go door-to-door to see who s vaccinated. this is not federal employees going door-to-door. it s grassroots volunteers, members of the clergy, volunteers who believe that people across the country especially in low vaccinated areas have accurate information. that from jen psaki at the white house. as you can imagine there are still concerned that some teachers unions may not intend to follow the cdc s recommendations, calling instead for more stringent protocols to return to it in person learning as the wall street journal today highlighted numerous studies showing there s almost no risk to children, relatively speaking, noting that 99.995% of those who get covid survive it. the flu and many other illnesses for that matter are far more lethal to children. shannon. shannon: okay. we are debating kids, masks and those things. i am hopping on a flight tomorrow. passengers grumbling over having to wear their masks. one passenger is facing a hefty
but alabama allows 14-year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent. oregon allows 15-year-olds to get it and rhode island in south carolina you can get it at 16. this is unacceptable was in the states allow tattoos for those under the age of 18 without parental permission but they are allowing minors to get an experimental drug, a brand-new study out of england revealing tonight the children are even more resilient to covid than we actually thought. some 99.995% of the 469,982 children in england who were infected during the year examined by researchers survived but that doesn t matter to the
authority and these vaccines do have side effects. for older people, i think it is still worth the risk, but you don t bully people, you go tell them to talk with their doctor, talk over the risk, then make their own decision. that is the right place to do public health. what we re doing now is just wrong and will create vaccine hesitancy, not eliminate it. laura: dr. bhattacharya, the wall street journal came out tonight in a new report on these studies coming out of england about children under the age of 18 and covid. we thought it was rare for children to die from covid before, but it s pretty much not even a question now. like, 99.995% of those, who they know have covid, and of course there are many more they haven t tracked, survived covid. 25 kids under the age of 18 died of covid. i think it was 19 had serious underlying respiratory and other issues. so, social distancing, masking,
background noise so we have to be honest with people, these vaccines are still under experiment will use authority in these vaccines do have side effects. for older people it is worth the risk but you don t believe people, you tell people go talk with your doctor, talk over the risks and make your own decisions, that s the right way, what we re doing now is wrong. it will create vaccine hesitancy, not aluminate it. laura: the wall street journal came out tonight with this new report on studies out of england about children under the age of 18 and covid as we thought it was rare for children to die from covid before but is not even a question now. 99.995% of those who they know covid and many more survives covid. 25 kids under the age of 18 died