The Academy on Friday officially announced that the 96th Academy Awards ceremony is scheduled to air live at 5:30 am on March 11 for viewers in India, marking an hour earlier than its previous broadcast time. This change is part of the prestigious event's plans for its worldwide telecast.
Months ahead of the 96th Academy Awards, it’s been confirmed that Jimmy Kimmel will be returning as the host. This marks his fourth year serving as host. Kimmel is known for hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live. He is one of the longest running talk show hosts in television history. On top of hosting, he’s also credited as
The 96th Academy Awards will air live on ABC on March 10 from the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Jimmy Kimmel is returning as host of the Academy Awards for the second straight year and fourth time overall, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has announced. 96th Academy Awards: Jimmy Kimmel To Host the Oscars for the Fourth Time!.