yeah. and they don t usually do. this at least not from the campaign itself. it s a familiar name and face. it s david axelrod, senior advisor to the obama campaign. we caught up with him at a breakfast fundraiser this morning for charity. axelrod offered this assessment of pawlenty what could be described as the same old supply side stuff. have a listen. he wants to replay the same formula that got us into the jam in the first place. i think the american people don t want to go back there. again this underscore what is is going to be easily the biggest argument or biggest issue of this campaign coming up, shep. that s going to be economy and specifically jobs. shepard: certainly is right now. steve brown live in chicago. steve, thanks. our government continues to run deep in the red. though not as deep as a year ago. the congressional budget office today reported $929 billion deficit for the first eight months of this fiscal year. it s a 6 billion-dollar improvement over the s
people will use the medicare availability. we are looking at 500 billion a year for or 47 on medicare . next then 10 years, that number will approximately double to 929 billion . it is going to continue to get worse. not only is it continuing to go through the roof, but those paying into medicare is going down by over a million from 3.5 to 2.3. major sacrifices will have to be made. obama administration address the problem next year? i don t know. he will be up for reelection. that is his passion. health care is his passion and legacy. it is a problem for both parties. a lot of those baby boomers are starting to identify themselves as conservatives
the program s finances, so total projected cost for medicare by 2020? $929 billion. an 80 percent increase over 10 years. budget and health experts say the prospect of a growing senior population, living longer, costing more, is now the biggest fiscal problem facing the government putting more pressure on president obama, congress, to reduce medicare benefits, increase copayments or raise the qualifying age. the centers for medical medical and medicaid service peg the cost for each new medicare beneficiary at $7,700 and rising. the program will run out of money in the year 2017. so some, including boomers think they should keep working. thank you from fox business. with republicans set to take control of the house in days, still no word if the g.o.p. will