announcing work for welfare. under obama s plan, you wouldn t have to work and wouldn t have to train for a job. they just send you your welfare check. and welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare. in a moment, you ll hear from newt gingrich, who joins us to defend that ad but also makes a pretty stunning admission about whether the ad he s defending is true to the facts. but first i want you to hear how romney is campaigning on the claims made in the ad. with a very careful executive action, he removed the requirement of work from welfare. it is wrong to make any change that would make america more of a nation of government dependency. we must restore, and i will restore work in the welfare. now, listening to that and watching the ad, you would think the white house with a sweep of the pen somehow managed to undo all your elected representatives, democrats and republicans, accomplished back in the late 90s with welfare reform. you get the impression the ob