Rajasthan Board 5th, 8th Result 2023 LIVE RBSE Rajasthan 5th 8th Result Soon on rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in, rajshaladarpan.nic.in date time: Rajasthan Education Department will be declaring the RBSE 5th 8th Result soon. As per reports, the Rajasthan 5th 8th class result is expected to be declared this week. Once the result is declared, candidates would be able to check it on the official website - rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in, rajshaladarpan.nic.in and rajresults.nic.in. <br /><br /><a href="https://www.timesnownews.com/education/rajasthan-board-rbse-102th-10th-result-2023-raj-result-date-time-marksheet-download-online-liveblog-100265561" target=" blank" title="https://www.timesnownews.com/education/rajasthan-board-rbse-102th-10th-result-2023-raj-result-date-time-marksheet-download-online-liveblog-100265561"><b>Rajasthan RBSE 10th 12th Result 2023 Marksheet, Link </b></a><br /><br />Students can read below