in the sea where the crabs live. get your mind out of the gutter. his approval rating s at 39% even after the roe vs. wade leak which was designed to breathe life into the unconscious presidency. it was one biden leak that didn t demand a change of pants. but it still didn t work. in fact, thanks to idiots heading to the justices houses like they were invited to a barbecue t quickly it quickly turned into a freak show but with more bearded ladies. underrated, by the way. when you sought protests, you probably when you saw the protests, you probably like their mommies wished they were pro-abortion like their offspring. why not? that s how you support them. you re reminded pro-choice doesn t always mean choosing soap and water. the worst stat of all, this jaw-dropping one from nbc news. 75% of the population thinks this country is going in the wrong direction. that s astounding. you couldn t get more agreement from a room of children if you yelled who wants ice cream and
Scientists tasked with ensuring the safety, reliability and effectiveness of the US nuclear arsenal say they are close to completing a facility that will help them test that.
better looking their jared leto, but they also want companies to quit pushing political agendas. it s true. a whopping 87.1% say they re likely to stop using a product or service of a company that openly advocates for a political agenda that they disagree with. the remaining 12% were this: and it holds true across party lines. a majority of democrats, republicans and independents all said they would drop a company if they didn t cut it with the political crap. that s the highest bipartisan consensus since we all agreed i m better looking than jared leto. now, these are timely insights considering in recent years, companies have been pressured by their own employees in many cases to take political stances. some of these companies are worse at staying in their lane than a kennedy. some of them could drive from disney to coke
only vc could stop it. tonight, it is still burning. only the sea. this is the main north south motorway near athens but it has been it is the penultimate day of the olympics day 15 and lucy hockings is in tokyo with the latest. india s more than 100 years wait for an athletics gold medal is over. he is taking the gold with a further 87.4 is taking the gold with a further 87.1; metres, launching himself into the history books in the process. we heard from india s prime minister tweeting him and congratulating him on social media, praising his unparalleled grit. so much reaction to the story on social media. everyone ending we in india seems ecstatic. there is the tweet. the other big sporting news here isjoy
this trip freshman whoever it may be are lying to the american public. the power is in the truth. go to texas legislature online, read the bill for yourself in the middle column it says search legislation. click 87.1. and then put in the senate bill 1 and read it. texas legislature online under search location put 87.1 and the category and s b-1. here is what you will find. you will find that we ve extended the early voting hours in this bill. that today on election day you can actually you are required to be given time off work to vote and extended that for the early voting period. we ve added over 60 more counties that have to add more voting hours and added more voting hours on sunday. we ve done nothing to suppress the vote in all of this. they talk about 24 hour voting