he added, quote, if i had known this lion had a name and was important to the country or a study obviously i wouldn t have taken it. if speed and precision are your thing, then this is the competition for you, my friend. the red bull air race world championship was held in austria sunday. one of a series of eight races this year. pilots fly through giant inflatable pylons at top speeds of 265 miles per hour. this year s winner was an australian man who finished the course in 56.8 seconds. not minutes but seconds. speaking of sports we want to start in the windy city. cubs third baseman hit a solo blast in the fifth inning for baseball s longest home run of the season, traveling an estimated 495 feet. that home run gave bryant his 86th rbi, tying a club rookie mark. in the bronx, taking on the
mistake, adding, quote, if i had known this lion had a name and was important to the country or a study obviously i wouldn t have taken it. if speed and precision are your thing, then this is the competition for you, my friend. the red bull air race world championship was held in austria sunday. one of a series of eight races this year. pilots fly through giant inflatable pylons at top speeds of 265 miles per hour. this year s winner was an australian man who finished the course in just 56.8 seconds. not minutes but seconds. speaking of sports we want to start in the windy city. cubs third baseman hit a solo blast in the fifth inning for baseball s longest home run of the season, traveling an estimated 495 feet. that home run gave bryant his 86th rbi, tying a club rookie mark. cubs go on to win 6-4. rays in the bronk bronx, takinge