heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what s up man? here s to all 180 million of you early risers, go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from 80 thousand of us at delta. because the ones who truly change the world are e ones who can t wait t. ( ) they tell me i m wrong to want to stand alongside my, my love
heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what s up man? here s to all 180 million of you early risers, go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from 80 thousand of us at delta. because the ones who truly change the world are the ones who can t wait to get out in it.
heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what s up man? here s to all 180 million of you early risers, go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from 80 thousand of us at delta. because the ones who truly change the world are the ones who can t wait to get out in it.
um, actually your session is up. hang on. i call this next one junior year abroad. um, actually your session is up. heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what s up man? here s to all 180 million of you early risers, go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from 80 thousand of us at delta. because the ones who truly change the world
heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! heigh ho! it s off to work we go heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what s up man? here s to all 180 million of you early risers, go-getters, and should-be sleepers. from 80 thousand of us at delta. because the ones who truly change the world are the ones who can t wait to get out in it. what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? are the ones who can t wait to get out in it. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever?