has an interest. this is what the tax returns which have been made public show. they cover personal and business federal returns over six years from 2015 to 2020 in 2015 - the adjusted gross income reports a loss which experts say is due to losses carried forwards from previous years. he paid just under 642,000 dollars in taxes. in 2016 when he was campaigning for the white house and in 2017, the first year of his presidency he paid just 750 dollars in taxes in both years. in 2018, the tax payment was just under a million dollars. but that fell sharply in 2019 to a hundred and 33 thousand dollars. and in the last year of his presidency mr trump paid a net zero in federal taxes. none of this suggests any wrondoing and us accountancy rules can be very complex. it is a matter of choice for a president if they want to make their tax records
promised. i found out a week ago my family is also having our healthcare plan canceled due to obamacare. this is a plan we liked. we have had for years and we could afford. i guess this letter from the massachusetts health connector said that if i want a similar hmo similar to the one my family had it will sky rocket our rates. my preem numb alone will go up by 7,750 dollars. my co-pays will go up and i will be subject to as much as 10,000 dollars in out of pocket expenses. this is not what the democrats and others who voted for obamacare promised. a i was promised we could keep our health insurance wouldn t leave our doctor or hospital and promised average family would see a savings of 2500 a year. when harry reid calls people like you who make these claims
this was not what we were promised. i found out a week ago my family is also having our healthcare plan canceled due to obamacare. this is a plan we liked. we have had for years and we could afford. i guess this letter from the massachusetts health connector said that if i want a similar hmo similar to the one my family had it will sky rocket our rates. my preem numb alone will go up by 7,750 dollars. my co-pays will go up and i will be subject to as much as 10,000 dollars in out of pocket expenses. this is not what the democrats and others who voted for obamacare promised. a i was promised we could keep our health insurance wouldn t leave our doctor or hospital and promised average family would see a savings of 2500 a year. when harry reid calls people like you who make these claims