The CM said after setting a record last year by hoisting six crore national flags under ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign, this year also the national flag should be hoisted at every residence, every business establishment, industrial units, government and non-government buildings
arsenal of weapons, some of which are harder to defend against from north korea s adversaries. a display of north korea s latest and most ambitious weapons. a backdrop for kim jong un to mark the 76th anniversary of the workers party, and to rail on the united states. the dictator declaring he needs these weapons to defend his country against the, quote, hostile u.s. which he says it causing instability on the korean peninsula. but it s the weapons and the way they were presented which have analysts concerned tonight. we haven t seen anything like this, before. and indeed, when he put all his missiles together, it looked like the smithsonian. he came up with this showroom. almost like a car salesman showing what s on the lot. what s on the lot is a lot. a lot of of lethal power. reporter: including what north korea claims is a hypersonic missile with a detachable glider warhead, first tested last month. a weapon that experts say is very difficult to shoot down. a new cruise mi
american celebrated victory over japan day. we ll leave you with powerful scenes of our nation s capitol where veterans were honored on this 76th anniversary of vj day. we thank them for their heroism and for their service. have a great day, everybody. we ll see you back here tomorrow with more of the story. neil cavuto straight ahead. hello, everybody. i m neil cavuto. hurricane ida continues to pummel the area. we ve seen tornadoes and people lost their homes are having trouble getting back to them. this could be a preview to coming a tractions as some fear that the roll-out just to get to people gets increasingly complicated. i m neil cavuto. this is your world.
After Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga sent offering to the war-linked Yasukuni Shrine on Sunday - the 76th anniversary of Japan s surrender in World War II - and some Japanese senior politicians recently visited the shrine, China expressed firm opposition against the moves and lodged solemn representations with Japan.
China expressed firm opposition to some Japanese senior politicians over the Yasukuni shrine issue and has lodged solemn representations with Japan, urging the country to completely draw a line from militarism, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry and Chinese Embassy in Japan on Sunday, right after Suga sent a ritual offering and Suga cabinet s members visited the shrine on the day that marks the 76th anniversary of Japan s surrender in World War II.