La gala internacional Nits de Circ s estrena avui a Besalú i continuarà el dia 17 a Roses, amb 23 artistes de 8 països, un muntatge únic i 6.500 entrades venudes
Ketua Bidang Perubahan Perilaku Satgas Penanganan Covid-19, Sonny B.Harmadi, mengklaim Indonesia pernah berhasil menurunkan kasus Covid-19 pada Februari 2021. Saat itu, kasus virus corona di tanah air turun menjadi 87.662 dari sebelumnya 176.500 lebih.
desperately needed equipment for d spitals and patients w nhoee .t the governor of new york today saying at the current rate, veilntats orwill run out he erin x ysda. and tonight, the numbers here at home. jt ustwweo ektis me, we ve gone from 11,000 reported cesas toor me than 23600,0 ithn e s.u. the death toll rising to more than,6 500. reha tn 101,0 indyg in just 24 hours. d antoghnit,e wve learned a staggering 6.6 million americans apyiplngor f umpneloenymt benefits. that s 10 millionn ithpae st two weeks. ouabt alhethns iurcean?b, what hweavsoe me important options for you right here tonight. thmae yoofr l aosngesel n ow urgi pngeoe pltoea wr skmas. k st a short time ago, new yor ty m say norowel tli nngew yorkers to wear masks, as well, when you leave homwe re try tonight. ston. expected to be one of the flora idbrinacg,s awe.ll the national guard assisting as n is drive-through test tesi i lao.nd anthd erwae s atth new study