at an ungodly hour to be with us tonight. richard, thanks so much for joining us, appreciate it. it s a pleasure, and it is, i think, a very important story. not just for the loss of life, which is in itself very tragic, but it says a lot about the war itself and how it s going, that ten years, nearly ten years on, you can have the single deadliest incident that would involve so many of these elite troops. i think it says a lot about where this country is going and where the u.s. mission is going as well. richard, what do we know about the mission that resulted in the crash, the specific mission, and why so many elite troops were involved in this. what does it say to you? effectively, you had a mission underway by the army rangers, and this is not the people who go to ranger school who wear the tab on the uniform, this is the 75th ranger regiment, which itself is an elite group that operates covertly and does a lot of the deadly missions in this country and other countries around
the 75th ranger regiment. he traded the battlefield for the academic world, doing scholarships, and then in the council of foreign relations in new york city. by 2003, he led the pentagon operations through the joint special operations command. they had some big success, including the 2003 capture of saddam hussein. and then in 2006, killed the leader of al qaeda in iraq. this ultimately landed him the command in afghanistan. but one dark spot on his record. in 2007, he was singled out of the pentagon for not immediately telling a family that the military suspected the former nfl star turned u.s. soldier was killed by friendly fire. the question of the day. will general mcchrystal stay or go? we are hearing from you in droves. let s see you on twitter on facebook, on our blog, ines ferre has been reading your
at how he became the man that president obama selected to run the war in afghanistan. he s had a long and distinguished career. it started in 1976 when mcchrystal graduated from west point. then he went right into special forces training. after that eventually becoming a green beret, and army ranger. by the time the persian gulf war in 1991, mcchrystal was commanding the 75th ranger regiment. in 1989, he traded the battlefield for the academic world, doing fellowships at harvard s kennedy school of government, then at the council on foreign relations here in new york city. then by 2003, he led the pentagon s most sensitive areas of combat through a joint special operations command. they had some big successes, including the capture of saddam hussein. then in 2006, they tracked and killed abu musab al zarqawi and this ultimately landed him in command in afghanistan. one dark spot though on his record was back in 2007.
r beret and army ranger. by the persian gulf war mcchrystal commanded the 75th ranger regiment. in 1998 he traded the battlefield for the academic world during fellowships at jfk s school of government and then at the council of foreign relations in new york city. by 2003, he led the pentagon s most sensitive operations through the joint special operations command. he had big successes as well, including the 2003 capture of saddam hussein. then in 2006 they tracked and killed abu musab al zashgr zarq. the leader in iraq. one dark spot on his record, in 2007 he was singled out in a pentagon report for not immediately telling pat tillman s family that the military suspected the former nfl star-turned u.s. soldier was killed by friendly fire. this morning, we re also learning more about general mcchrystal s decision to sound off about the entire national security team. last night anderson cooper spoke with michael hastings.
forces he was there to train. six u.s. troops have been killed in afghanistan this year. in a statement announcing the latest casualty, the new head of u.s. forces in afghanistan said the sacrifice of our service member who volunteered for a mission to afghanistan to protect his country is a tragic loss. our duty now is to honor him, care for his family, and continue our mission. admission that is stretched for nearly two decades. general scott miller becomes the ninth u.s. general in 17 years to lead all u.s. and allied forces in afghanistan. miller is the former head of joint special operations command responsible for leading elite commando unit such as delta force, seal team six, and the 75th ranger regiment. today s apparent insider attack comes one day after miller took command. the world recognize this afghanistan cannot be a safe haven for terrorists. i know this has been a long