QuickLogic Co. (NASDAQ:QUIK – Get Rating) Director Russell Christine sold 4,542 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction on Wednesday, June 8th. The shares were sold at an average price of $7.69, for a total value of $34,927.98. Following the sale, the director now directly owns 1 shares of the company’s stock, valued at […]
Analysts expect that QuickLogic Co. (NASDAQ:QUIK – Get Rating) will report sales of $4.45 million for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks reports. Two analysts have made estimates for QuickLogic’s earnings. The highest sales estimate is $4.50 million and the lowest is $4.40 million. QuickLogic reported sales of $2.88 million during the same quarter last year, […]
Equities analysts forecast that QuickLogic Co. (NASDAQ:QUIK – Get Rating) will report ($0.04) earnings per share (EPS) for the current fiscal quarter, according to Zacks. Two analysts have issued estimates for QuickLogic’s earnings, with estimates ranging from ($0.04) to ($0.03). QuickLogic posted earnings per share of ($0.16) during the same quarter last year, which would […]
QuickLogic (NASDAQ:QUIK – Get Rating) had its price objective lowered by research analysts at Oppenheimer to $8.00 in a research report issued on Wednesday, Stock Target Advisor reports. The firm presently has a “na” rating on the semiconductor company’s stock. Oppenheimer’s target price would suggest a potential upside of 34.00% from the company’s current price. […]
QuickLogic Co. (NASDAQ:QUIK – Get Rating) CEO Brian C. Faith sold 9,156 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Friday, April 22nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $4.85, for a total value of $44,406.60. Following the completion of the transaction, the chief executive officer now directly owns 125,819 shares […]