boy, they don t say much about it until after there s a shooting. it s amazing that people are watching, maybe they believe it, i don t know. but, listen, i want to bring you in here, mr. snyder. i m just going to give, quickly, fbi assessment released last year found there was a 17% spike in reports of hate crime incidents between 2017 compared to 2016. southern poverty law center says there s a dramatic increase of white nationalist groups in the u.s. from 100 chapters in 2017 to 148. then it just goes on to talk about 73.3% of the u.s. of extremist-related murders in the past decade were committed by right-wi right-ring extremists and there are other numbers in here that go along with what the fbi director was saying. to hear someone say that, to promote that on a national news channel, is just astounding. it is astouastounding. it s unconscionable. one thing that will go directly into what your previous guest mentioned and also what juliette talked about, as well as something
boy, they don t say much about it until after there s a shooting. it s amazing that people are watching, maybe they believe it, i don t know. but, listen, i want to bring you in here, mr. snyder. i m just going to give, quickly, fbi assessment released last year found there was a 17% spike in reports of hate crime incidents between 2017 compared to 2016. southern poverty law center says there s a dramatic increase of white nationalist groups in the u.s. from 100 chapters in 2017 to 148. then it just goes on to talk about 73.3% of the u.s. of extremist-related murders in the past decade were committed by right-ring extremists and there are other numbers in here that go along with what the fbi director was saying. to hear someone say that, to promote that on a national news channel, is just astounding. it is astounding. it s unconscionable. one thing that will go directly into what your previous guest mentioned and also what juliette talked about, as well as something we say within
racist, they are the real racist and the real threat. be afraid of the muslims and brown people and these loud mouth congresswomen when in reality what we know is that this president, his entire political career is based on fear and endangering people of color. let s put the graphic back up there so we can see who is responsible for most of the domestic terror in this country. this is facts. right-wing extremists. 73.3% of the terror in this country, they commit it. we ll be right back. moving into our new apartment. why don t we just ask geico for help with renters insurance? i didn t know geico helps with renters insurance. yeah, and we could save a bunch too. antonio! fetch computer! antonio?
mind trick, the people that talk about it, it s not the people committing terrorist acts, the wipe supremacy who are the real racist. of course, you seen this time and time again. it s a republican defense that happened before donald trump but donald trump is also deploying it that the people who call me racist, they are the real racist and the real threat. be afraid of the muslims and brown people and these loud mouth congresswomen when in reality what we know is that this president, his entire poer political career is based on fear and endangering people of color. let s put the graphic back up there so we can see who is responsible for most of the domestic tore. reporter: terror in this country. look at that, everyone. not making this up. those are facts you re looking at on your screen right now. right wing extremists, 73.3% of the terror in this country they
country s representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. yes, we have to look at mosques. we have no choice. we have to see what s happening. because something is happening in there. problem in this country. it s called muslims. we know our current president is one. right. you know he s not even an american. we need this question! this is first question! but anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us. that s my question. when can we get rid of them? we re going to be looking at a lot of different things. and you know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying, bad things are happening out there. we ll be looking at that and plenty of other things. i think islam hates us. there s something there s something there there s a tremendous hatred there. there s a tremendous hatred. a study by the anti-defamation league going back to 1970 found in the u.s., 73.3% of all extremist-related