After cancer treatment, woman reopens Lincoln ice cream shop
PAT SANGIMINO, Lincoln Journal Star
March 13, 2021
LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) When Amy Green was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer last spring, doctors told her that one of the side effects to her chemotherapy might be the loss of taste.
“I almost didn’t do the treatment because of that,” she said.
The owner of Ivanna Cone, the ice cream shop appropriately located in the Creamery Building at 701 P St., was only half kidding.
After all, what would be the point if she couldn’t taste-test her frozen concoctions from parlor favorites like sweet-cream vanilla and Dutch chocolate to the outrageous caramelized onion cheesecake to determine if they are worthy to be listed on the shop’s chalkboard menu, which always features 15 flavors?