democrats in the media have tried to star of nonsense about what has or hasn t happened in herschel walker s past because they want to distract from what s happening in the presence. hasn t happened, hasn t happened. who s to say really? walker also went on fox news last night with what was supposed to be a softball rehabilitation interview to dismiss the allegations against him, it was tough to watch. i sent out so many get well, sent out so much of anything, but i can tell you right now, i never asked anyone to get an abortion, i never paid for an abortion, and its a lie. what about the 700 dollar check? is there anybody you can remember sending that much money to? well, i send money to a lot of people, and that s what s so funny. i m not sure i send money to a lot of people is your best defence there, mister walker. now ironically the best offensive walker was accidental, with a tweet by a georgian conservative of her of. i thought we all knew this, also will news and people
to be more social, to just relax. and eating healthy every single meal? if only it was this easy for us. russia is accusing the u.s. of pouring oil on the fire, by sending advance rocket systems to ukraine. the pentagon announced a new 700 dollar million dollar weapons package to kyiv, including precision guided