wages in general have not been rising and so even if the economy has recovered, randi, wages have not been raising. in washington they haven t been able to raise the federal minimum wage so states are doing it instead. so you look at the minimum wage going up in states, how does it compare with the rest of the world? the federal minimum wage is $7.25. denmark much higher taxes but in denmark $20 an hour. germany $10, france $11.66. all industrializations with a lot higher minimum wages than the united states. and when you adjust the united states minimum wage in the u.s. for inflation, this is minimum wage workers basically have been earning less now than they have in past decades. small business owners will tell you, no, no, this is not a good time to be raising the minimum wage because we have to do obamacare next year for the first time. so we ve got all this other paperwork and regulation to deal with, now is not the time to raise the minimum wage but states, even red sta