By this point we all know about 5G and how it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment compared to the hype that was around it initially. Samsung, however, believes in the future that 6G will bring.
Intelligence Brief: Assessing recent spectrum developments - Mobile World Live 27 MAY 2021
Spectrum is the lifeblood of mobile services and what drives the mobile economy. The current spectrum landscape is more dynamic than ever before as the ecosystem today must contend with new allocation and deployment models, enterprise competition for resources and fresh demands on existing 2G and 3G spectrum resources.
Across the mobile industry and beyond, getting the right intelligence is key to understanding spectrum dynamics, which is why GSMA Intelligence has launched a new quarterly report series, leveraging its Spectrum Navigator tool. These reports outline the latest important developments and key trends to watch going forward.
Samsung Research executive elected as Chair of 3GPP RAN Working Group 1
Samsung has announced that Dr. Younsun Kim, a key executive and Master at Samsung Research, has been selected as Chair of 3GPP’s RAN (Radio Access Network) Working Group 1. The election took place during an online meeting that was held on May 11, 2021. Established in 1988, 3GPP is a consortium of various standards organizations that develop protocols for mobile telecommunications.
3GPP’s RAN WG1 is the largest working group within the project, with over 600 delegates. It is responsible for developing physical layer specifications of 3GPP’s radio access technology (RAT). The group oversees the development of communication technologies like IoT (Internet-of-Things) over cellular networks, MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), and V2X (Vehicle-to-everything) for LTE and 5G networks.